Music is intrinsic to my life, I have consumed more music than film content: Ayushmann Khurrana

Ayushmann Khurrana and Rochak Kohli are a winning pair. The songs they have created so far have captured audiences’ imaginations. With ‘Raatan Kaaliyan’ they are replicating their success pattern as the songs became one of the most viewed videos on the day of its release. We had an interaction with them, read on to know more of what they have said:

What inspired Raatan Kaaliyan’s theme and approach?

Ayushmann: I always believe that melody is the carrier of lyrics and not the other way round. If the programming is positive, it gives the narrative a desired spin. The programming of ‘Raatan Kaaliyan’ is upbeat and he (Rochak) just nails it. Even Paani Da Rang, if you see, is a tragic song but gives a good feel to it when you listen.

Rochak: We love pathos in our lyrics, there has to be some kind of emotional connect in our songs. ‘Raatan Kaaliyan’ is a song about longing, distance, not being together but composed in a peppy approach.

Watch the song here:

How does your relationship of being childhood friends feed off each other in the creative process?

Ayushmann: It’s a mix bag of emotions for us. We are besties so we can speak our hearts out without any ego clashes. There is no offence taken between the two of us. At the end of it, whatever we do is for the best outcome for the work we are engaged in. The biggest take away is that we can just be ourselves.

Rochak: I agree with Ayushmann. When we make music, it doesn’t end in a day or two, it goes on for months. We do not work on tight deadlines; we work till we are satisfied with an outcome that appeals to our hearts. We look forward towards working with each other.

Your songs come with a considerable gap. What is the thought behind it?

Ayushmann: Its quite organic for us. Rochak is busy with his work, and I keep busy with mine. I was shooting three films in a year, so time has been a scarcity. I keep dropping at his studio for a quick jam or just to catch up. That’s when he plays different compositions and the one I really feel for, I put my name to it (that’s the right I have with him 😊).

Rochak: We don’t really go out to achieve a number, be it views or streams. Since we work with our hearts on the project we come together on, we have the luxury to invest time into in. And, when the song receives the love from audiences, it’s a different high altogether. Its organic and a lovely process for us overall.

How does the relationship with T Series work for you?

Ayushmann: I have been working with T Series for over years as an actor. This gives me a slight benefit in getting some leeway to do my own stuff that I believe in. With T Series there is a huge advantage of its reach. As an independent artist, you want your song to connect with a larger audience.

Rochak: T Series is home for both of us. The first right of rejection is always with Bhushan Sir for sure. If he likes a certain kind of song and work, he really puts it out. Having worked with them for many years, it is only natural for us to reach out to them for our indie work too. Also, they know how to market a song and make it reach out very well. So, it works for everyone in the process.

How difficult is for you, Ayushmann, to juggle between acting and singing, how does each influence the other?

Ayushmann: It has been very difficult for the past three years. I have had three projects (movies) coming out each year which takes bulk of my time. I have decided that I will be focusing on doing two films a year along with more music going ahead. Music is intrinsic to my life, I have consumed more music than film content, it is a good distraction I always need, away from my core job. Acting being my core job and singing being my passion give me a balance in many ways.

What is your process in general that drives you to create a song?

Rochak: I create music for production houses on the briefs that I am given. For me, my love to compose drives me to create music for others. I convey someone else’s messages or stories through my songs. When my music touches the audiences, that’s the outcome that gives me a joy and that’s the process I look forward to. When I and Ayushmann create a song, the core focus is that we should get happiness from within with the song that we have created.

Ayushmann: For me, music is a passion project, it has to be straight from the heart, not driven by any algorithm. Rochak understands me very well and being a versatile composer that he is, he always gets me. The songs that we have collaborated on, have somehow worked and the process overall is from the heart which drives me to create songs!

How do you see indie scene and the ecosystem developing for actors, singer, composers, artists of all kinds?

Ayushmann: I think it’s the best time to be an artist and the best time to be a musician. If you have a great melody, you can get your own limelight, you can create your own limelight! That’s the power of this era. During the pandemic, when films got interrupted, musicians exploded with their work and talent. It’s a kind of renaissance that is happening and taking the stature of musicians to Stars rather than Cults that used to exist in the 90’s.

Rochak: There is a huge potential in the indie space and I have started my own label six months back by the name R Music. The scene is picking up and is definitely going to stay and grow.

There have been technological advances in music since ages, AI being the latest. As a composer, what are your thoughts on this?

Rochak: Music has seen technological developments over ages. When music went digital, there were fears, but the realities have been very positive. With AI also, we will have to wait and watch to see what positive impact it can create.Well, so that’s Ayushmann Khurrana and Rochak Kohli, sharing their thoughts with us on many things music and art. Their latest release ‘Raatan Kaaliyan’ has been trending and, while we are hooked on to it, we wait for more songs to come from this winning pair!

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