More than friendships, we have developed brotherhood with each other: Prince-The Artist Singh

Prince-The Artist Singh from Chandigarh, came to MTV Hustle 03 REPRESENT, performed, set the stage on fire and has left with an indelible mark in this years’ Hip Hop chapter of Hustle. As with every competition, there comes a time when you have to make way while others continue. Prince was eliminated from MTV Hustle 03 REPRESENT but not before he broke the barriers, roared like a lion and enamoured the audiences. We had a chat with him recently, here are the excerpts:

How has been your journey in MTV Hustle 03 REPRESENT? What are you plans for future?

The journey has been good. I could meet fellow artists and develop a good bond with them. More than friendships, we have developed brotherhood with each other. I know for a fact that going ahead, we will be collaborating with each other and celebrating our successes together. Apart from collabs, there are my songs that I intend to put out. I am quite excited to showcase what I couldn’t during my span of time in Hustle. Looking to introduce new sounds to the music scene!

From Chandigarh to reaching MTV Hustle 03 stage, how difficult or easy it was for you?

I am generally confident of myself. I have been working in the industry for a considerable time. I knew that if I can put my best foot forward, there are high chances that I will get through the selection process. This is how it panned out as well and I am very thankful to the entire team of MTV Hustle, which believed in me and gave me this stage.

Watch ‘Wah Re Wah’ here:

Chandigarh vs Mumbai, how different was the experience?

I came to Mumbai from a very peaceful and an organised city. When I came here, I could get the experience of a new ‘hustle’ culture in the daily lives of people. Started liking it after a while and with the experiences. I am sure going ahead I will be working here more often, having said that, a break, once in a while, and going back to Chandigarh will always be up on the cards.

Of all the songs you have performed on MTV Hustle 03, which one you found toughest to perform?

‘Bandeya’ for me was the most challenging one. It was made on a short notice and to make it even more complicated, we changed the track while coming to a closure. To create a song, give a message, keep it different, questioning your surroundings, etc. made it a tough song. Then, memorising the song to perform live without fumbling and avoiding any faux pax on stage was quite a challenge. Other tracks were also quite challenging given the stage you have to perform on, but ‘Bandeya’ possibly was the most difficult one for me for the sheer time scarcity.

Watch ‘Bandeya’ here:

What would you like to say about your Squad Boss Dee MC?

I would say that Dee MC ma’am is one of the best Squad Bosses in MTV Hustle 03. I think a lot of us would agree that she used to go out of her way to help us out and bring out the best from us. She is always available for her squad and would make sure that we are attended to for any challenges that we face. She has been a great guidance and I have a lot of respect for her, having worked under her in her squad.

How emotional was your departure for you?

I would say that it was quite emotional. I was hoping to reach semi-final, post which I knew it would become an even tougher artistic battle. We developed a good bond like brothers, being together, having meals together, these are things that made it difficult for me to depart. However, there is also a realisation that its about four more weeks now and we will be meeting up again, so that’s the brighter side 😊

Watch ‘Lit Game’ here:

What was your moment of ‘dream come true’ in MTV Hustle 03?

In the 3rd or 4th week I was performing on stage and there was Ikka Bhai giving me Thumbs Up to do well, Badshah Bhai was smiling at me, and it just hit me that these are the guys who I have listened to growing up. And today, I am standing here and performing in front of them. This was like a dream come true for me. Meeting Badshah Bhai at times and interacting with him gave a great feel, he always used to talk like an elder brother. It was the same with Ikka Bhai, always guiding and interacting in a fun way with us. To be fair, it was with other squad bosses too!

Well, while the journey in MTV Hustle 03 has come to a halt, there is a fresher and newer beginning for Prince-The Artist Singh with wider audience, more recognition, newer friends and bigger aspirations! We look to keep a tab on how the future journey of this talented artist shapes, till then keep streaming his songs and enjoy your time!

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