Joshua Roy shares life lessons through his Debut Single!

Mumbai, 31st March, 2021: Joshua Roy, a Hyderabad-based singer-songwriter and producer, is releasing his debut single ‘PART OF ME’ ft. Saleha paatwala, on April 2, 2021. He also worked as a composer and producer with Saleha on two of her originals in 2020. He began his musical journey when he was 5-6 years of age. “I remember being so excited listening to music on TV and radio. I was always fascinated by drum beats and patterns and would start playing beats with my hands on any surface, be it the table, bench, etc. The composition started when I picked up a guitar in my school. The first time I composed a tune, I fell in love with it and created my first song in Class 12 that never came out. After playing cover gigs for a few years, I formed a band with Saleha in 2018 and started working on originals again.”

He believes in writing songs about his own experiences and life lessons as he feels he has better stories of his own to share than to write fictional stories. Also, sharing life stories in songs always helps connect more audiences as people relate to those songs.

During the lockdown, he worked on a 4-track EP but decided to release them all as singles. ‘PART OF ME’ is the first one to come out from his series. The lyric of this song is a story from his late teens that talks about relationships in general and how things get messed up when we are young and in love due to the lack of understanding on how to build and sustain a

Composed, produced, and written by Joshua, the song radiates warmth and is quite experimental with a heavy drumming pattern to fill the rage of the lyrics and has an acoustic pop vibe to add a dreamy effect to it. Saleha added her soulful voice to the hook of the song which is in Hindi.

PART OF ME is a song that talks about the frustrations people go through after separating from their partners. “Majority of times, we blame things on our partners instead of coming out of our delusions and realizing our unseen faults. It’s a song that discusses our deep musings over the pain we suffer from a breakup, drowning ourselves in good memories and not learning/growing from our mistakes that we might have committed. This song also expresses the importance of communicating in a relationship to understand the other side of the story and to let go of things that no longer serve us purpose and restricts our emotional and mental growth.

It will be streaming on all major platforms on April 2, 2021.


Lyrics, Singer, Composer, Producer, Guitarist – Joshua Roy
Female vocals – Saleha Paatwala
Mixed and mastered – Grayspark Audio
Artwork – Sneha Dalal

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